FDA’s Over-the-Counter Clearance for AliveCor Heart Monitor

The AliveCor™ Heart Monitor is a single-channel ECG recorder that works with your iPhone or android device to record,store and transfer heart data for people requiring monitoring. Previously cleared for issue by prescription only, the device is now available for Over the Counter pre-order purchase, with shipments beginning in March.

KLAS Smart Pump/EMR Integration Report Cites CareFusion as a Leader In EMR Interoperability, Alaris® Infusion Devices Receive High Ratings

A new report, entitled the 2013 Smart Pump/EMR Integration Report from KLAS Research cites CareFusion as the technology leader that is poised to take the lead in integrating smart pumps with electronic medical records (EMR) and the only company that currently has a customer using EMR interoperability with large volume and syringe infusion pumps.

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