Eucomed’s Chief Executive John Wilkinson eulogises about the forthcoming Medtech forum which will take place in Brussels between October 12-14th. His blog post can be found here. Of note Mr Wilkinson focuses on the ongoing impact of the 2008-9 financial crisis, noting especially that “thoughtful commentators on the scene are also realising that innovation is the only way to square the circle of rising demand for healthcare and relatively less money and people to satisfy the demand”… a familiar theme to anyone with experience in the medtech industry and a message we at MedLatest wholeheartedly sign up to. In fact the diffusion of medtech innovation remains a significant part of MedLatest’s mission as online communication tool between the innovator technologists and the end-users and specifiers of their products.
Source: MedLatest staff, Eucomed
published: September 16, 2011 in: Congresses and Meetings, Economics, Healthcare