ATTUNE® Knee System Delivers on Value Basis, Says Report

Survivorship, Economic and Patient Reported Data are key indicators of outcomes and cost benefits according to a new report, commissioned by DePuy Synthes

J&J’s DePuy Synthes has released a report that analyzes the ATTUNE Knee’s current clinical and economic data. In so doing it hopes to tap into the drive to minimize healthcare costs, while maintaining quality.


Global healthcare providers increasingly focus on the entire episode of patient care, specifically aiming to combine improving patient outcomes with management of costs. The introduction of the “Hospital Structure Act” in Germany and the “Payments by Results” system in England are two examples of the drive to minimize the total cost of care while maintaining quality.

In commissioning this comprehensive work, DePuy Synthes hopes to provide evidence to support decisions about its device’s overall value. Titled “Improving the Value of Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: the ATTUNE® Knee System,” the report analyzes approaches for evaluating primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) from a clinical and health economic perspective. Specifically it assesses the current data from DePuy Synthes’ ATTUNE Knee Evidence Generation Program. This program, the largest of its kind in DePuy Synthes’ history, includes a wide range of data from company-initiated studies, investigator-initiated studies, independent studies and national joint registries.

The report was released during the European Knee Society Arthroplasty Conference in London. It is authored by David Fisher, M.D., Director of the Total Joint Center of Excellence at OrthoIndy Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, a paid consultant for DePuy Synthes Companies and member of the ATTUNE Knee surgeon design team. The second author is Professor David Parkin, an Honorary Visiting Professor at City, University of London and a Senior Visiting Fellow, Office of Health Economics.

The report concludes that in a value-based healthcare environment with cost constraints and growing procedure volumes, the value of a knee replacement implant is measured not only by how long the implant lasts (implant survivorship), but also through patient reported outcomes and the economic benefits of the procedure. In this context the authors conclude that, “Based on available data, the ATTUNE Knee appears to be advancing outcomes for patients and creating value for clinicians, providers and payors in a challenging and dynamic healthcare environment.”

Investigator comments

“The success of any knee replacement is multifactorial, and the data on the ATTUNE Knee gives me confidence that I’m using a knee replacement that is delivering value for patients and the healthcare system,” said Dr. Fisher.

Professor Parkin added: “Quality of life, as measured by patient reported outcomes, has been shown to be a driver of cost effectiveness in knee replacement. The evidence that I’ve seen about the effectiveness of the ATTUNE Knee in improving patient reported outcomes suggests it could deliver a better quality of life for patients compared to some other leading knee systems. Therefore, the ATTUNE Knee may potentially play a role in helping reduce some of the healthcare and societal costs associated with knee osteoarthritis.”

The report, together with further information about the ATTUNE knee evidence base can be found here.

Source: DePuy Synthes

published: April 20, 2017 in: Clinical Studies/Trials, DePuy, Economics, Johnson & Johnson, Knee

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