ABHI Warns that Unworkable HealthTech Procurement Means 1 in 3 Companies have Chosen to Not Bid on Tenders

A press release from the UK’s Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) signals a warning for regulators and NHS procurement. … continue reading “ABHI Warns that Unworkable HealthTech Procurement Means 1 in 3 Companies have Chosen to Not Bid on Tenders”

Uterine Fibroids: Crowdfunding Campaign to Complete Technology Development

A women-led medical device company has announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign aimed at raising additional funds to develop its … continue reading “Uterine Fibroids: Crowdfunding Campaign to Complete Technology Development”

Social Media Key to Chronic Disease Management in Gen Zers, Says Software Tool Developer

LovedBy, the health technology and consultancy business, has announced the launch of ‘Nudg with Dexcom’ directly to Gen Z in … continue reading “Social Media Key to Chronic Disease Management in Gen Zers, Says Software Tool Developer”

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