The Academic Medical Center (AZP) in Paramaribo, Suriname, has successfully studied an efficient method to collect COVID-19 antibody-containing plasma from recovered Covid-19 patients to treat critically ill patients.
In contrast with prevailing plasma donation strategies, the Academic Medical Center collects plasma from recovered patients before hospital release. Early in the recovery process, the antibody titer is up to ten times higher than later in recovery. Preliminary data shows excellent results, both in patients where the condition is worsening to critical as for patients recently submitted to ventilator support.
The plasma donation and plasma preparation is supported by the innovative Dutch blood filter HemoClear. In a sterile, simple, and cost-effective procedure, this filter separates plasma from red blood cells. The plasma is processed to treat multiple COVID-19 patients while the red blood cells are or could be re-infused to the donor.
Clinician comments
AZP anesthesiologist Dr. Rosita Bihariesingh states that “ the results are more than promising while the procedure costs and procedure efforts are way below available alternatives. We’re now awaiting approval to expand the patient group in our study.”
Company comments
HemoClear’s CEO Vincent Franssen confirms growing interest in the Suriname method “Several study approval submissions are pending with the authorities of African and South American countries to use the Suriname method, HemoClear is proud to support these countries in their fight against COVID-19”.
Source: LifeScience Newswire