The veterinary community has historically benefitted from advances in technologies, originally developed for humans. Here’s a wonderful example of how proactive veterinarians have applied a well-known haemodynamic monitoring technology to a particularly challenging species.
In what is thought to be a world first, UK medical technologist Deltex Medical tells us about the first recorded use of its Esophageal Doppler Monitoring (EDM+) system in Gorillas. Veterinary anaesthetists used the system to guide clinical interventions in two anaesthetised Western Lowland Gorillas. The journal Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (VAA) published the news in a letter here.
Deltex says its haemodynamic monitoring technology is uniquely capable of delivering valuable information across a wide range of subject sizes. This, it says is because the system derives haemodynamic data by measuring central blood flow directly from the descending aorta. Over the past few years, Deltex tells us, veterinarians worldwide have increasingly embraced this device. Moreover this extends to surgeries on different animals of different sizes. The newly published letter describes the use of Deltex’s EDM+ in two Gorillas anaesthetised for dental examinations and treatments.
Authors’ Comments
Authors Drs Diego A. Portela and Enzo Vettorato, board-certified anaesthesiologists at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida wrote; “In gorillas, fibrosis cardiomyopathy is characterised by left ventricular hypertrophy, reduced end-diastolic volume, ventricular compliance and cardiac output. Therefore, advanced cardiovascular monitoring may help minimise anaesthesia-related morbidity and mortality.”
They added; “Clinical situations, such as those involving gorillas, where vasopressors may elevate arterial blood pressure while leading to a decrease in cardiac performance, emphasize the potential significance of this monitor. In comparison to monitoring systemic arterial blood pressure alone, the EDM+ has the capacity to offer a more comprehensive understanding of cardiovascular performance, responses to treatments, and goal-directed management. This highlights its valuable role in enhancing the assessment and management of complex clinical scenarios.”
Company comments
Deltex’s CEO Andy Mears; “Anaesthetists have used the EDM on animals as small as rats, but this is definitely the largest to date. It’s wonderful to see clinicians of all types empowered by the accuracy and real-time nature of EDM’s information. Furthermore, it all adds to the body of experience that supports this leading technology.”
Source: Deltex Medical
published: February 14, 2024 in: Anaesthesia, Monitoring, News, Offline