US Radiological Society Meeting Last Week

The Radiological Society of North America held its 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting in Chicago from Sunday, November 27 – Friday, December 2.

The Radiological Society of North America(RSNA) held its 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting in Chicago from Sunday, November 27 – Friday, December 2.

Meeting Facts:

  • Six days of educational programs for radiologists, radiation oncologists, physicists in medicine, radiologic technologists and allied health care professionals.
  • Total registration for professionals and guests was up 2% compared with 2010 with the society reportedly securing 120000 room nights in 79 Chicago Hotels.
  • 685 technical exhibits were expected to occupy 463,150 square feet in what is the world’s premier scientific and educational forum in radiology.
  • The Imaging(and associated) products industry is feeding off new technological advances and growing to the extent that 119 (12%) of the exhibitors were first-time exhibitors at RSNA;
  • In a bold claim, RSNA believes its attendees would have contributed over $133 million to Chicago’s economy directly attributable to the sheer size of the event.
  • The programme included 1,831 scientific papers in 16 subspecialties: breast; cardiac; chest; emergency radiology; gastrointestinal; genitourinary; health services, policy and research; informatics; molecular imaging; musculoskeletal; neuroradiology; nuclear medicine; pediatric; physics; radiation oncology and radiobiology; and vascular and interventional.
  • There were 233 refresher courses and 127 multisessions over the six days.  Furthermore there were 2,124 educational exhibits and 1,188 scientific posters featured in the Lakeside Learning Center.

Next year’s meeting will again be in Chicago on November 25th -30th and as usual international delegates and exhibitors are welcome to attend.  Further details can be found here.

At medlatest we love RSNA’s fact-based approach to promoting and running a congress and believe there are lessons to be learned this side of the Atlantic from a forum which is incredibly well organised.  We’re not radiologists and even we’re wishing we’d been there!

Source: RSNA 2011

published: December 6, 2011 in: Congresses and Meetings, Imaging, Products, USA

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