Heart Test Laboratories, Inc. tells us about a clinical study initiated by Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York examining the company’s MyoVista heart screening device. The newly commenced study will evaluate the MyoVista, which incorporates Heart Test Labs’ patented technology for the early detection of heart disease.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., and is the largest spend area in healthcare. Heart disease is known as the silent killer because most affected people are asymptomatic, more than half of patients finding out later than would be ideal, for example when angina or heart attack strikes.
A so-called “diagnostic gap” in heart disease exists for a non-invasive, low cost screening to identify asymptomatic patients before an adverse event occurs. This is where Heart Test Laboratories (HTL) is pitching itself. HTL develops medical devices using patented technology that focus on the early detection of heart disease. The MyoVista’s innovative technology facilitates the early identification of ischemic and other heart abnormalities which can enable improved screening for coronary arterial disease and other cardiac abnormalities. HTL believes the MyoVista will provide the opportunity for effective, low cost testing for heart disease in primary care. This would enable physicians to have a valuable additional tool to assist in the process of determining referrals to a cardiologist.
The Mount Sinai study will assess the MyoVista indications for the identification of coronary arterial disease (CAD) as compared to computed tomographic coronary angiography (CTA) and myocardial dysfunction in patients without CAD as compared to echocardiography. It is expected to enroll 200 patients and take between 12-24 months to complete.
Company comments
“We are excited that Mount Sinai has decided to initiate an important clinical study of the MyoVista. Mount Sinai is one of the most respected medical institutions in the world and has a strong reputation for research along with being recognized as a center of excellence in cardiology. Our goal is to save lives and save healthcare dollars by both finding people with heart disease much earlier, and reducing expensive cardiac testing on people that do not require treatment,” stated Mark Hilz, Heart Test Laboratories CEO.
Source: Business Wire
published: December 4, 2015 in: Cardio, Clinical Studies/Trials