Digital Cognitive Assessment Tool Detects Early Dementias

Digital Cognitive assessment tool (eSAGE) equivalent to pen-and-paper test (SAGE) in detecting mild cognitive impairment and early dementias

BrainTest Inc. tells us that the results of a Validity/Equivalency Study support its eSAGE cognitive screening instrument. The study demonstrated equivalency to traditional Pen-and-Paper Cognitive Assessment in detecting mild cognitive impairment and early dementias.


Currently, there is only one test that is used to detect mild cognitive impairment and early dementias, SAGE, which is a pen-and-page cognitive assessment. Braintest, a medical software company, has successfully developed the first self-administrable digital version of SAGE, called Braintest® (eSAGE). Braintest® allows those who are concerned to easily take the test in the privacy of their own home before seeking professional advice as needed; particularly beneficial for those who are reluctant to see a doctor due to potential embarrassment.

Validation data was presented this week at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2017 in London. Lead investigator Dr. Douglas W. Scharre, Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, presented the data during the poster presentation session.

Study results showed that eSAGE had a high sensitivity (71%) and specificity (90%) in detecting cognitive impairment from normal subjects, with the added advantage of private at-home self-administration.


Source: Globe Newswire

published: July 19, 2017 in: Clinical Studies/Trials, Neuro

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