Clinical stage medical diagnostics company Check-Cap Ltd. is engaged in the development of an ingestible capsule for preparation-free, colorectal cancer screening. The company tells us that Israel’s Office of the Chief Scientist (the “OCS”) has awarded it a grant equivalent to about $1.25 million for 2016.
A previous visitor to our pages, Check-Cap says it is developing the world’s first ingestible capsule system for preparation-free, less-invasive colorectal cancer screening. While Olympus and Given Imaging (now under Covidien) might point out that their offerings are also ingestible capsule-type devices, the important differentiatior is the phrase “preparation-free”, which is seen as an important influencer of individuals’ willingness to participate in recommended colorectal cancer screening. The Check-Cap system addresses those frequently-cited barriers of laxative bowel preparation, invasiveness, and sedation.
Unlike the other devices, Check-Cap’s capsule utilizes innovative ultra-low dose X-ray and wireless communication technologies to scan the inside of the colon as it moves naturally, while the patient follows his or her normal daily routine. After passage, the system generates a 3D map of the inner surface of the colon which enables detection of polyps and cancer.
The goal of Israel’s OCS is to assist in the development of technology in Israel under the auspices of the government. As such, discretionary grants are seen as a means of fostering economic growth, encouraging technological innovation and entrepreneurship, leveraging Israel’s scientific potential, enhancing the knowledge base of industry in Israel, stimulating high value-added R&D and encouraging R&D collaboration both nationally and internationally.
Check-Cap says it will use the grant (subject to certain customary conditions and obligations) to support the ongoing clinical development of its proprietary ingestible capsule technology. For now it remains not cleared for marketing in any jurisdiction, a situation the grant funding might well contribute to changing.
Company comments
“We are very pleased that the OCS has recognized Check-Cap with this grant for 2016 and for its continued support of our mission to revolutionize the patient experience for colorectal cancer screening,” said Bill Densel, CEO of Check-Cap.
Source: PR Newswire
published: August 2, 2016 in: Company News, Financial, Gastroenterology, Imaging