Eucomed Blogs on the Benefits of the European Medical Technology Regulatory Domain

“Collaboration across member states in many sectors and activities makes perfect sense at all levels so let’s celebrate the positives whilst not trying to force greater integration where it does not work for all,” says Eucomed Chief Executive.

At a time when “Europe” is a dirty word, John Wilkinson, Chief Executive of Eucomed has today blogged on the benefits that centralisation of medical devices regulation has brought consumers. In the article he states; “The medical devices regime is a triumph for Europe and member states as it brings consistency and high quality across the whole of the European Union whilst eliminating duplication and unnecessary bureaucracy. Smaller and less well resourced member states are able to benefit from the expertise of the larger countries and, most of all, patients get access to safer and better treatments more rapidly.”
To read the full article click here.

Source: Eucomed

published: November 3, 2011 in: Healthcare, Products, Regulatory

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